Being a part of our Ministries, Departments and Staff, is the best way to build lasting friendships and spiritual growth.
Department of Evangelism

Elder Fred Harris, President
Devoted to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through witnessing and personal testimony

Youth Department

Elder Demetrius Walton, President
Supportive, transformational discipleship that targets youth and young adults

Sunday School Department

Deacon Donald Brewer, President
To equip all students with the knowledge of biblical principles that will prove useful in everyday living

Worship and Fine Arts

Ministering through music and expressive forms of worship to establish and cultivate an environment favorable for spiritual growth

Church Administrator

Sis. Kandyia Brewer
Manages the overall financial health of the ministry in addition to planning and coordinating opportunities for community outreach

Women’s Department

Lady Neophansya Robinson, President
Sis Marissa Mays, Secretary

Promotes both natural and spiritual growth through programs and initiatives surrounding women, children and youth


District Missionary Eugenia Robinson, Chairman
Responsible for monitoring the church’s performance and adherence to the budget with the help of systematic financial reporting, as well as safeguarding church assets and managing debt

Pastor’s Aide

Sis. Kandyia Brewer, Leader
Offers support, and expressions of encouragement and appreciation both personally and professionally, to the pastor and his family

Christian Women’s Council

District Missionary Eugenia Robinson and Mother Carrie Berry, Leaders
To develop holy women as soul-winners while serving as role models; empowering them to establish Godly standards in their homes, churches, and communities

Hospitality Department

Sis. Michelle Hackney, Leader
To create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere for the Pastor, First Lady, their staff, and all guest clergy

Usher Board

Mother Jackie Weston, President
Facilitators who execute order in Christian love, during worship service, offering, prayer, the preached gospel and lastly, the invitation to Christ

Young Women Christian Council

Sis. Cassandra Harris, President
Promotes Holy Living and commitment to Christian service amongst young ladies ages 18-40, both in the congregation and the community

Golden Girl Committee

Sis. Kandyia Brewer, President
Dedicated to meeting the needs of the “Golden Girls” (church mothers) through expressions of love, support, and relationship

Sunshine Band

Carissa Banks, President
Offering salvation through Christian education to children, through arts & crafts, storytelling and other activities that will provide a solid spiritual foundation

Business & Professional Women’s Federation

Danielle Weston, President
Developing business acumen and leadership skills among women, through advocacy, mentorship, networking, and economic empowerment

Media Team

Sis. Melanye Ross and Sis. Devyn Morris, Leaders
Through social media engagement, livestream recordings, web sites, and other kinds of communication, the gospel of Jesus Christ abroad, thus changing our world.

Southern Table
Community Food Pantry

Eradicating food insecurity one family at a time, through the distribution of free nutrition.

Marriage Ministry
“I. D.O.” (Intimacy Divinely Ordered)

Pastor Stephen and Lady Neophansya Robinson, Presdents
Exemplifying relationships that reflect the image of Christ’s relationship to the church, while producing loving, faithful unions that will glorify God